In an expanding ministry, just beginning to "get with times" our material is beginning to be offered for use over the internet. This is taking much preparation but hopefully, that means every time you visit this site there should be new things.
We are a small ministry in Northren part of CANADA. We are VERY pleased that the LORD has provided us with the resources for this outreach. However, please only order the material if you are going to use it.
Because of our small size, we would like you to email us with your order.
1) Your Name and Address
2) Your Email Address
3) The Material you would like
4) We would also appreciate just a couple of lines about yourself to let us
know who we are working with.
NOTE: For the series you order, we will send you the first tape in the series to see if you like it. If you desire more, just request them through E-mail.
Series Name: | # of Tapes: |
Our Bible Under Attack | |
The Life of Abraham | |
Joseph as a Type of Christ | |
Shawdow of Coming Events |
The various works are just beginning to be condensed into tracts, so stay alert for the coming ones.
Available: F.J.A. Hort
Coming: B.F. Westcott
Coming: Vance Smith
F.J.A. Hort: This power packed tract simply takes quotes from Hort's own letters, and gives you a scripture reference to see if what he says is biblical. You will be shocked when you find out what he believed.
Several of the essays on the internet are also provided also in paper form. If you would like copies of any the following essays to give to your friends, relatives, pastor, or whatever, just email us below. If you would like several copies we'd love to hear how you are using them.
To see what each essay is about either read them directly off the main page, or read their summary at the bottom of the main page.